Friday, February 12, 2010

Deer getting run out of woods after shot and miss?

i just shot at two deer and missed them both saturday and sunday with a shotgun. both didnt know what happend just turned around and ran off i was wondering if i am scrwed for the rest of the seasonDeer getting run out of woods after shot and miss?
No not really, just for the present moment is all.*Deer getting run out of woods after shot and miss?
If you were using buckshot you were probably too far away. Buckshot is only good (then not very good) in the hands of a true expert. Shooting over 20 yards with buckshot is simply unethical because it is almost certain you will hit it with one or more shot, but it will go so far you will never see it again. I am speaking from the experience of seeing more than a dozen deer lost after being hit with shot, and but 2 actually collected by the hunter. Get damned close, or get a rifle or slug and learn how to use them. J
Spend some time on the range
Put some kind of sight(s) on the shotgun. The very idea of a gun without precise sights on it is as absurd as shooting a pistol with only one hand. Just because people believe or do a particular thing, is more often an indication it is at least partially in error. A luminous red dot non-magnifying model will allow you the fastest sight picture, and you can hunt excellently way into twilight, the very best time to be hunting! Now, the fact you scared off two deer on successive days, suggests that in this particular area, the deer are possibly as likely to be chased toward you as away from you, by high hunting pressure. In the wilderness, you likely wouldn't have seen deer the second day. I have a $30 BSA Red Dot on my T/C 45 Colt barrel for twilight use in the shadows under the big trees, which is even better, and you really can't see iron sights or crosshairs there at those times! Regards, Larry.
same here one day my uncle shot at a deer and mist the next day it came back and my dad shot and mist but i expect to see it next weekend
You may be if that's a typical example of your shooting. (Just joking: anybody who hasn't missed hasn't hunted). The deer, though, typically run a short distance and more or less resume their normal activity shortly thereafter. It's quite possible one of them will be back in the same spot by next weekend.
Did you go to where they were standing and look for blood or did you just walk away? you might have nicked one good enough to kill him, maybe you better go back and check....
no your not ive shot at adeer at a watch come back the next day and the same deer comes back
I am a certifed hunter safety instructor.

The deffinition of insanity is 'doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result'.

Why did you miss? Were you too far away? Did you accidentally use bird shot? Did you practice at the range? Were you using buck shot? Did you sight in the shotgun when using slugs?

Shotgun hunting is the easiest thing in the whole wide world. You do a quick stop at the range with a big box - shoot it at 25-50 yards and verify the pellets all hit where you aimed. On hunting day simply get within 30-50 yards of the deer, point in the general direction and watch it fall. How can you mess that up?

If you were using slugs - good chance you have scared these deer - but they will be back.

You need to spend some time this week at the range. Grab a big box, roll of white butcher or wrapping paper and a staple gun. Cover the big box and make a big X in it. But this box on top of another - you want that X to be about 2.5 feet off the ground. Start at 50 yards and fire - make a mental note of how many pellet are in a 12'; circle around that X and how low they are. This tells you if you need to aim a bit high on the deer next time.

Then move to 30-25 yards. Same thing. Count the pellets and see where they fall.

Last - cover the box with new paper and try this with slugs. 25, 50, and 100 yards. If you do well at these ranges - feel free to move the box out a bit furthur.

One hint. Be sure to wear the exact same clothing you expect to wear while hunting. I've seen guys do perfectly fine at the range - and they miss deer time and time again. It's because they ware a shooting jacket with cushion pad at the range - and they don't while hunting and this gives them a case of flinch or anticipation.

Hope this helps

No, you may not see much activity for a while or the rest of the day but they come back. Especially if deer like a particular area they will for sure be back. Hope This Helps

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