Friday, February 12, 2010

Can a felon have a deer rifle or muzzle loader?

do not know how the law is written,crossbow,muzzle loader,deer rifle,what? if any differenceCan a felon have a deer rifle or muzzle loader?
It depends on which state your conviction occurred in and perhaps where you live now.

The Federal Firearms Owners Protection Act in part reads that, ';Any conviction which has been expunged, or set aside or for which a person has been pardoned or has had civil rights restored shall not be considered a conviction under this chapter, ...

Some states, mine included, automatically return the rights (to vote, own a firearm etc.) once a person had completed his or her sentence. Therefore federal law does not prevent them from owning a firearm. See U.S. v. Caron cite omitted.

If your state is not one that automatically returns your rights then you must get a pardon or have your record expunged in some other manner.

You should check with an attorney prior to purchasing or being in possession of a firearm.Can a felon have a deer rifle or muzzle loader?
This has nothing to do with where you live. In the USA, a felon may not ever posses, or even be near, an actual firearm. A muzlle loading rifle is NOT considered a firearm. However, a muzzle loading pistol, though not considered a firearm, either, is not legal for a felon to own.

Crossbows are legal for felons, as are ';regular'; bows. However, in most states, hunting deer with a crossbow is only legal if you are disabled. In some state, though, it is legal for able-bodied hunters to use a crossbow.
A felon can not own posses or have access to a cartridge firing firearm, under federal law. Then it is up to the states to further disseminate what a felon can posses. My state makes a vast distinction between a felon, who may own a muzzle loading firearm and a violent felon who can not own any firearm.
depending on where you live, you may or may not have a shotgun or hunting rifle, but under no circumstances can you have any sidearms, assault weapons, etc. Felony convictions don't stop you from having a crossbow though.
I think it may depend on the location he lives at, the local laws, and the crime he went away for. I would normally say no but it will depend on his parole officer mostly. If he has served 100% of his time and is not on parole maybe. But, it does depend on what the law says.
In NC convicted felons my hunt with what are classified as primitive weapons, meaning muzzle-loaders and bows. But no muzzle-loading pistols. Best thing to do is to check with you clerk of court, or district attorneys office. They may be able to clarify for you.
If you are an ex-con then the answer is real simple.


No guns for you, - ever. No matter what kind of gun, the answer will always be: ';No';.

You are a felon and that is the price you pay. You've lost that right forever.

And rightfully so, I might add.
Convicted felons by federal law are not allow to own or posses any firearms (rifle, pistol, shotguns or black powder). You can own primative weapons such as bows, crossbows, knives, etc..

Suggest you check your state laws just to be sure.
One of my best buddies brothers is a felon. And the answer is No. A Felony is federal (nation wide). It doesn't matter what state you are in. No rifle, hand gun, air gun, paintball gun, muzzle loader, shot gun, water gun NOTHING!!!
depends on your state laws but in Pa you can posses a crossbow or Bow and Arrow maybe pellet guns if your off I think you can ';rent'; a rifle if you got out with a guide not sure on that part tough
Muzzle loaders are not considered a Firearm per ATF but,your local laws may forbid it. No for rifle or pistol....yes for bows unless its a local law or CA you better ck.
* Bow %26amp; Arrow Only.*
idk about bows/crossbows, but as far as i know you cant have any type of gun, except airsoft and bb.
Don't know about the rest of them,but he can't own a fire arm,nor can he vote .
No.... i should know im a proud convicted felon myself, you cant even have bullets.
No guns at all as far as I know.
According to The Dukes of Hazzard,bow and arrow only.

Thank God for Daisey Duke.moment of silence please
depends on where you live.
it depends what 4. but i say no sorry