Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How far can a deer run into a forest?

How big is the Forest?How far can a deer run into a forest?
Half way. Then it is running out. Unless of course, it runs into a tree!How far can a deer run into a forest?
Half way of course! After that it's running out of the forest.....
farther than you can chase him
Halfway, then it's running out.
As far as its legs will carry it.
OK I am assuming 'into' as meaning enter- so as soon as the deer entered the forest it was there.

If you meant run in the forest than I would say until it wanted to stop or it ran out of forest lands.
Isn't How Farr the brother of How Long?
How long is the Deer, as soon as the back-end of the Deer is in the forest that's it. It is in the forest.....seeing as you said into a forest and not in a forest
To the centre, after that it would no longer be running into the forest it would be running out of it.

Of course if the forest was surrounded by electrified fence then not very far at all

If it were a male deer and the rut was on then it might not get very far before it tresspassed on another deer's territory

Also if it were deer stalking season it may not get very far either
How long the tiger sending him out.
Only as far as the point at which it begins to run out of the forest.

So only until the middle of it.
As far as it feels the need to run.Now if you had said a wood, that would of been a different matter.
only halfway, then he's running back out.
until it stops running
2 to 5 miles

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